
前陣子有位同學問我:體位法突破不了的時候要怎麼辦?我想起了我剛開始練習頭倒立,只敢靠著牆,而且還會肚子軟軟的不知道怎麼出力。每每我離開牆面都會對我自己很生氣,每天練怎麼一點進度都沒有。後來我換了一個方法,雖然還是有固定體位法練習,但是頭倒立的姿勢我會隔幾天再試一次。沒想到這樣的方式讓我的身體進步的比較快。一段不短的時間後,終於可以離開牆面穩穩的立起來。身體是有記憶的。就像我們腦中的回憶一樣。錯誤的動作,悲傷的故事回憶而讓你不想重溫舊地,都是會被身體和腦袋記憶著。有時候我們需要休息一下,讓身體忘記錯誤的施力點,一切歸零後,再重新出發。體位法只是瑜伽裡如三千髮絲的其中一根。練習卡關了,出門走走吧,關心一下家人朋友,照顧一下家中的小動物們。心情跟身體準備好了,換首不一樣的練習音樂再出發。I recently had a question from my student: what should we do when we get stuck in our asana practice? It reminded me of my first timepracticing headstand, I could only practice using the wall and I didn't know how to use my core when the posture was upside down. I always felt mad and thought about why I couldn't achieve it since I practiced everyday. Then I changed to another way: I rested when I felt my body was in the wrong alignment. Our body is like our brain, it has memory. its like we always feel sad when we go back to some spots which we had a miserable memory. We need to restart our mind and body. Take a rest, Asana practice is only a little tiny part in yoga. Go out and enjoy the sunshine, take care of your family, friends and your pets at home. When you physically and mentally get ready, change your song lists and practice it again.



身體各項指數: BMI、體脂肪、內臟脂肪、基礎代謝率

Shad Kriyas : Nauli 瑜伽清潔法:吊胃
