Mind& Yoga: The Science & Practice of Everyday Life 瑜伽與科學 動靜之間半日研習營

We welcome you to join us for a nourishing day of yoga and transformational Bio Behavioral activities to help you resolve negative habits and thought patterns. In this half day workshop, we have a professional psychologist to guide us in making mental and behavioural changes in a scientific way which can lead to greater positivity and self awareness. Also, don’t miss the chance to learn more about Ashtanga and Yin yoga! 歡迎您加入此次瑜伽轉化的旅程。此次研習的學習,藉由心 理醫師的解說以及冥想老師的引導,幫助您改善生活上的一 些負面的習性和情緒,並以科學有邏輯的方式進入冥想:Y oga Nidra (睡眠瑜伽)。並且課程內容的安排,可以對於阿斯坦加一 級(Ashtanga primary series)及陰瑜伽(Yin Yoga)的練習有著進一步的認識。