
最近的一些心得感想:身體有特殊狀況,無法當老師嗎?如果你是過重的身材,卻能夠作瑜伽頭倒立,如果你有過脊椎傷害的歷史,卻可以彼拉提斯百式呼吸拍個5輪(整個騙肖有六塊肌都會喘噓噓),腦袋要輪轉,要懂著正面思考。如果你強調每項動作都完美,充其量你也只是個體操老師或是運動教練。如果你懂得思考自己身體的體位及受限程度,並且指導有類似狀況的學生替代的體位法或是樂觀正面的鼓勵學生:我這樣都可以做到了,那你呢?那你就是個好老師了。我從來不吝嗇地去跟學生分享我做不到的動作,比如說因為我的肘關節因為有先天過度伸展的問題,練習手平衡比較吃力一點,又或是我右側hip joint曾經有嚴重的拉傷而舞王或鴿王較困難。有時身為老師,因為尊嚴問題,只想要和學生分享自己練習可以登台或是拍照的動作。今天就算做不到某些動作,因為你詳盡的解釋動作或是分享如何轉換成替代動作,學生一樣是刮目相看。大家反而會因為老師不是完美的,而倍感親和力,減少距離感。除了照顧學生的身體,或許照顧他們的心是更重要的。

Here is my question: are you not qualified to be a teacher, if you have some physical weakness? if you are overweight, you can still a do headstand. Or if you had spine injury, you can still do 500 Pilates cycles!!!! Try to think in positive way. If you are a teacher, and you are only pursuing the perfect position or asana, then you are just a gymnastic teacher. However, if you understand how to teach your students, who have problems, by using modification, you are an amazing teacher!!! I have never tried to hide my weakness in certain positions such as my overextended elbows and right hip injury. I have a difficult time practicing arm balance and dancer pose. Despite these shortcomings the students still enjoy my teaching. If you cannot do it, but you explain it in detail and give them modification then that still allows them to progress and improve. No teacher is perfect. We don't have to do stage poses or show off poses all the time!! A good class is not about the perfect postures, but taking care of students hearts and feelings. That is what a good teacher should do.



身體各項指數: BMI、體脂肪、內臟脂肪、基礎代謝率

Shad Kriyas : Nauli 瑜伽清潔法:吊胃
