
這星期開始進入典型的台灣夏天拉!!今天你喝了多少水哩?拎老斯每天起床第一件事情就是先切水果片加入胖胖瓶水壺裡(這是一公升),然後放回冰箱裡半個鐘頭左右(只想喝涼的不想要喝太冰),一公升拎老斯喝多久是不是?是一個上午,是一個上午,是一個上午(回音持續)。一整天拎老斯都會喝到2-3000的水,才可以膚質永遠飽飽的。今天主題是美白消水腫柳!切了幾片黃檸檬(個人覺得皮的苦味較少)補充維他命c和柳橙提起水的甜味(果香甜和飲料甜真的差很多啦!)在切入幾片葡萄柚加速消水腫和增加脂肪代謝,重點是,水的味道在也不單調,一天攝取的飲水量不知不覺就會增加!大家可以試試看養成這好習慣! how much water you drink daily. well, the giant bottle I got, its only for my morning supplement. the first thing I do every morning when I wake up, make some fruit slices, mix with 1liter water, and put it back into fridge for 30 mins. lemon & orange is good for our skin and gums, and grape can help you to eliminate the excess water of your body. try it!