
目前顯示的是 2月, 2012的文章

Difference of Pilates&Yoga

If you’re looking at yoga or Pilates to tighten your midsection, build strength, stand taller and feel healthier, they both get the job done. Both disciplines require concentration, consistent practice and awareness. That’s why they are classified under “mind-body” programs, along with Tai Chi and meditation. But the differences between the two can be confusing, even for veteran students. Here’s a crash course on how yoga and Pilates each   tone up our bodies and minds. Probably the biggest difference is that yoga is fundamentally a spiritual practice. The primary purpose of yoga is to teach students how to quiet their minds and enter a meditative state. The physical yoga that is so popular today, called  hatha  yoga, means the physical path of transformation. Although hatha yoga uses the body and movement, its purpose is to achieve union between the body, mind and spirit. This state is called s amadhi.

2012 不運動的我

哈!自從開始有了智慧型手機之後,幾乎都在臉書的空間而偷懶沒有更新部落格。 我會努力提醒自己要乖乖更新的。(慚愧中) 有什麼大事情要分享哩?! 年後忙裡偷閒幫個攝影師朋友跑跑龍套,照了幾個非運動形象的照片, 沒想到我也可以有如此女人的樣子(羞)。 其實拎老師是個很不會化妝的人,這次的彩妝都是由老師的御用彩妝師 Jolie 之手, 如果有作造型的需求或是新娘彩妝,揪麗都很強喔! 看他如何將小妹化腐朽為神奇就知道惹! 這裡還有一些作品可以參考看看柳 ~! Jolie's wonderland